Here we go folks, it's starting! The Tyson Chicken plant in Shelbyville, TN will now celebrate the Muslim holy day Eid al-Fitr instead of Labour Day! At least the union employees will; even those who don't happen to be Muslim! Thanks to the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union's new 5 year contract, union employees will no longer get a paid day off on Labour Day; that all-American, U.S. federal holiday that marks the end of summer. They will now have to take their day off on October 1st, this year, with all their Muslim co-workers celebrating the end of Ramadan. Of the 1,200 employees at the poultry plant, 700 are Muslim (many of Somali descent), though who knows how many of those are union members. And although some workers don't seem to mind, others do:
Nineteen-year plant veteran William Pentecost doesn’t agree with the decision. "I don’t think it's right. I really don't think it's right," he said.
"It shouldn't happen. I mean, I think, we're in America, you're in America, I think that they should go with our holidays," Pentecost said
Since when does a union have the right to replace a federally-mandated holiday with a religious holiday, because a slight, but vocal majority demands it? Have the Jews ever demanded concessions and accommodations? They get the same holidays every other American gets, with no complaints. And when did Muslims become the majority? Last I heard Christians still are a majority, with approximately 2.1 billion adherents, followed by Muslims with approximately, 1.5 billion, and growing rapidly.
Apparently, Tyson has also built a prayer room for Muslims. Would they also build ones for any Hindus, Buddhists, Jews or Christians that might happen to work there, if asked? I sincerely doubt it, although they claim it has never been requested. Would Saudi Arabian authorities allow a company to build a prayer room for Christians? I think not. They don't even allow Churches there.
And since when does industry cater to religious groups? Religion should be a personal, private matter, not part of the workforce, unless it happens to be a religious organization. Why are we giving into Muslim pressure? The more we give in the more they will expect,and the more this country will become Islamicized. The United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, it is NOT an Islamic country. Yes, they are free to practice their religion, but why should others suffer because they demand their holiday replace one that has been in existence since 1894!
Is this where our country is headed?
UPDATE: Looks like Tyson reinstated Labour Day as a paid holiday! Just proves that when enough people balk, things get done. I know that Tyson paid a visit to this blog, via google, soon after I published this post. They must have visited other blogs complaining about their decision.
Apparently, Tyson has also built a prayer room for Muslims. Would they also build ones for any Hindus, Buddhists, Jews or Christians that might happen to work there, if asked? I sincerely doubt it, although they claim it has never been requested. Would Saudi Arabian authorities allow a company to build a prayer room for Christians? I think not. They don't even allow Churches there.
And since when does industry cater to religious groups? Religion should be a personal, private matter, not part of the workforce, unless it happens to be a religious organization. Why are we giving into Muslim pressure? The more we give in the more they will expect,and the more this country will become Islamicized. The United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, it is NOT an Islamic country. Yes, they are free to practice their religion, but why should others suffer because they demand their holiday replace one that has been in existence since 1894!
Is this where our country is headed?
UPDATE: Looks like Tyson reinstated Labour Day as a paid holiday! Just proves that when enough people balk, things get done. I know that Tyson paid a visit to this blog, via google, soon after I published this post. They must have visited other blogs complaining about their decision.