Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Bill Clinton and The Porn Stars At Monaco Bash

While Hillary Clinton is out doing her Secretary of State thing, hubby Bill is hanging out with x-rated movie stars in Monte Carlo. I actually find that terribly amusing, considering he might or might not have been aware that they were.
Apparently Bill and the porn stars, Brooklyn Lee and Tasha Reign (the ones cozying up to him), were at the same celebrity fundraising soiree "Nights In Monaco" that he was co-hosting when they had their photo taken together. Lee then posted the pic to her 85,000 plus followers on her Twitter account, and once again he's the butt of jokes around the world. The English rag "The Sun" seems to think Bill might be in deep doodoo with wife Hillary, but that's doubtful. She couldn't care less what he does. She obviously never has.

Lee did apologize on Twitter for all the hubbub the photo has created, but I'm sure she's thrilled that her name is now a household name outside of her 'industry'.
"This shit is out of control! Sorry Bill! We <3 you."

(Note the <3 equals "heart") 

Brooklyn Lee is an award winning (Best New Starlet and Best Sex Scene in "Mission Asspossible") and has starred in  such notable films as "Babysitter Diaries 5" and "Secretaries 4". Tasha is the star of " Baby Got Boobs 8" and "Farm Girls Gone Bad."

Way to go Bill.

He has absolutely no sense of decorum.

Other Sources: MyFoxNY, TMZ

