Todd Schnitt, a Tampa Bay, Florida radio talk show host, has a novel way to show our disdain for Congress's pitiful lack of concern for the outrageous prices we're paying at the pump by refusing to drill offshore. And although Obama is, once again, pandering to the American people by entertaining the thought of offshore drilling, Congress closed shop, on Friday, for their 5 week vacation, which means nothing will happen during the next 5 weeks- nada, zippo. Pelosi bid everyone adieu, effectively curtailing the debate, in spite of a semi-revolt by the Republicans, who stayed on the floor Friday, and were back on Monday, while their Democratic counterparts went their merry way.
Schnitt's "Operation Drill Bit" directive started off asking people to send drill bits to members of congress:
It’s time to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, and begin drilling our own resources… Now!
• That’s why we’re rolling out, “Operation Drill Bit”…
• Here’s what we need to do…
• Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot or whatever mom & pop hardware store you like, and buy a drill bit to send to your congressman or woman…
• In fact, buy at least 3…
• One for your Representative in the House
• And one for each of your two United States Senators.
• Tell them you are sick and tired of gas prices, and of watching this great country borrow money from the Chinese to buy oil from the Saudi’s
• Click here to find the address for your senators and congressman.
• Click around on their web pages until you find their Washington, D.C. office… Don’t send anything to a local or district office.
• Include the message: IT'S TIME TO DRILL OUR OWN OIL NOW!
• Let’s flood Washington with drill bits to let them know it’s time to drill ANWR, the Gulf of Mexico and other domestic resources.
• We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!!!
Since the Democrats inCongress have left us high and dry for the next 5 weeks, Operation Drill Bit has now morphed into
Schnitt is now asking people to send drill bits to Nancy Pelosi instead, so that when she returns from her lovely summer vacation, her office will be inundated with drill bits. If you love making a point, all drill bits should be placed in padded envelopes, please, and shipped to:

Maybe Pelosi has a date with her Plastic Surgeon,
and that's why she closed shop.
H/T: SchnittShow
• And one for each of your two United States Senators.
• Tell them you are sick and tired of gas prices, and of watching this great country borrow money from the Chinese to buy oil from the Saudi’s
• Click here to find the address for your senators and congressman.
• Click around on their web pages until you find their Washington, D.C. office… Don’t send anything to a local or district office.
• Include the message: IT'S TIME TO DRILL OUR OWN OIL NOW!
• Let’s flood Washington with drill bits to let them know it’s time to drill ANWR, the Gulf of Mexico and other domestic resources.
• We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!!!
Since the Democrats inCongress have left us high and dry for the next 5 weeks, Operation Drill Bit has now morphed into
Operation Drill Nancy.
Schnitt is now asking people to send drill bits to Nancy Pelosi instead, so that when she returns from her lovely summer vacation, her office will be inundated with drill bits. If you love making a point, all drill bits should be placed in padded envelopes, please, and shipped to:
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
H-232, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515
H-232, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

Maybe Pelosi has a date with her Plastic Surgeon,
and that's why she closed shop.
H/T: SchnittShow