Nisa is a key term of the Quran, but sadly it is the most misunderstood one. The translators and interpreters have made a big mistake in choosing its root word, first in the influence of Shaan-e-Nuzool then under the cultural pressure. Actually the root word of Nisa is ن س ا but our translators have taken it as ن س و – Here is the root of the entire problem and we cannot solve the same problem in the way or method that we have created it initially.
The basic meaning of the root word نسو / نسى according to William lane lexicon is to forget or to dismiss it from mind. Gradually we assume it as women or a weaker segment of the society… thanks to the evolution of language and now we build around our interpretation on those lines to prove or justify that Nisa means women, although classical Arabic dictionaries does not support this meaning.
The root word which I have taken for Nisa is ن س ا / نسا which means urge, desire, drove… As the majority will not support this optional view as it is difficult for them to adjust to this new meaning because we already have so called established or popular meaning of Nisa as woman.
If we want to take any optional meaning or a new root word from an established or popular one, we have to reset or reformat the entire theme of the Quran’s translation. By doing this the image of woman shown in bad light by the different translations would be restored. But we are so used to portray women as impure, weak, forgetful, farmland and can be beaten any time if not obedient… that we accept this unjustified interpretation. Why we digest such type of translations because it supports the established and popular belief that women are evil but they forget that women means their own mother, sister, daughter and wife.
My version:
Nisa (Urge) is a very important topic of the "Quran" and also it is one of important topic of human psychology.
Nisa is an impulse or a wish or an urge, particularly a sudden one. It can be considered as a normal and fundamental part of human thought processes, but also one that can become problematic, as in a condition like obsessive - compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The ability to control impulses, or more specifically control the desire to act on them, is an important factor in personality and socialization. Deferred gratification, also known as impulse control is an example of this, concerning impulses primarily relating to things that a person wants or desires. In Quran 4:34 is not about beating wives but it is about controlling our urges. Verse 2:222 does not talk about menstruating women but flow of urges. Verse 2:223 does not talk about having sex with the women the way you want but it discusses that your urges are your farm you can cultivate in it the way you desire....
"Many psychological problems are characterized by a loss of control or a lack of control in specific situations. Usually, this lack of control is part of a pattern of behavior that also involves other mal-adaptive thoughts and actions, such as substance abuse problems or sexual disorders. When loss of control is only a component of a disorder, it usually does not have to be a part of the behavior pattern, and other symptoms must also be present for the diagnosis to be made." - Franklin – Wikipedia
The root word of Rijal is ر ج ل – it basic meaning is - went on foot by himself, strong, walk on foot, carry his own weight, without aid, extempore, fully prepared. Rijaal are the dynamics to carry the urges we nurture, without the dynamics (Rajul) we cannot fulfill our urge or aspirations (Nisa).
Rijal - Dynamics is an internal process that makes a person move toward their respective goal. Dynamics is a tool or a force which support the Urges (Nisa) with new ideas or mechanism to fulfill its aim or desire. Researchers have proposed theories that try to explain dynamics of the human mechanism. Dynamics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. The forces or the property which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process is called dynamics. In Arabic dynamics are called RIJAL and they are stronger than NISA (Urge) because they are the one who support the urges to fulfill their aspiration - One who motivates people to walk on their feet or be independent or those who carry their own weight are called Rajul. All the Rasuls are inner dynamics / mechanism / sense of a human body so they are also known as Rajul because they are on their own strength.
We cannot fulfill our Urges (Nisa) without the dynamics (Rijal) or preparation how to carry that urge to its final destination or completion.
Rijal - Dynamics is an internal process that makes a person move toward their respective goal. Dynamics is a tool or a force which support the Urges (Nisa) with new ideas or mechanism to fulfill its aim or desire. Researchers have proposed theories that try to explain dynamics of the human mechanism. Dynamics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. The forces or the property which stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process is called dynamics. In Arabic dynamics are called RIJAL and they are stronger than NISA (Urge) because they are the one who support the urges to fulfill their aspiration - One who motivates people to walk on their feet or be independent or those who carry their own weight are called Rajul. All the Rasuls are inner dynamics / mechanism / sense of a human body so they are also known as Rajul because they are on their own strength.
We cannot fulfill our Urges (Nisa) without the dynamics (Rijal) or preparation how to carry that urge to its final destination or completion.