Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Obama's Bin Laden Ad "Despicable" Says HuffPo's Arianna Huffington

Since the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden is the only real major accomplishment of Barack Obama's 3 plus year's in office, it's obvious he would try to capitalize on that achievement. Had he been smart, he would have simply bragged about dispensing with the most wanted man on earth during his tenure in his campaign ads. But no, he had to copy Hillary Clinton's  3 a.m. phone call ad, which obviously did her no good. 
He obviously misjudged how people would react to his Bin Laden ad (his version of  the "3 a.m. call"), which calls into question whether Mitt Romney would have had the cojones to order the raid.  And when queen of the liberal blogosphere Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post, calls it "despicable", you know he made a huge mistake.
Appearing on CBS News, Arianna Huffington said there should not be an ad questioning whether presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney would’ve ordered the raid against the Al-Qaeda leader last year. 
“I don’t think there should be an ad about that,” Huffington told CBS News. “I think it’s one thing to celebrate the fact that they did such a great job (with television specials). All that is perfectly legitimate. But to turn it into a campaign ad is one of the most despicable things you can do.” 
The new web video questions whether Romney would have taken the same path Obama did. It features a quote from a 2007 Romney interview in which he said it was not worth “moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

“(The ad) quotes a snippet from Romney and uses that to imply that Romney would not has been as decisive,” Huffington told CBS News. “There’s no way to know whether Romney would have been as decisive. To actually speculate that he wouldn’t be is, to me, not the way to run a campaign, on either side.”
Not that we can assume this means Romney has Huffington's vote. I sincerely doubt it, but it's interesting she bothered to criticize Obama for that misstep.
Romney's camp obviously chimed in as well calling the video divisive:
“It’s now sad to see the Obama campaign seek to use an event that unified our country to once again divide us, in order to distract voters’ attention from the failures of his administration,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said.
Jay Carney (White House spokesman) naturally defended their tactic:
“I think the way that we’ve handled it represents exactly the balance you need to strike.”
Of course, this won't make any difference to those who still adore the president, and there are many who still do.

