Perez also took it upon himself to try and destroy a Florida photographer who emailed chastising him for the Miss California fiasco, by posting the email on his blog- address, phone number etc. Granted, the photographer's choice of words was very distasteful, but Perez had no right to publish that information.
So, while people get bent out of shape because there are those who believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, where is the outcry regarding stories regarding the torture and murder of gays in the Middle East? There was a recent story about gay men in Iraq having their anuses glued shut, then being force-fed a liquid that causes diarrhea, which leads to eventual death. Shouldn't they be blogging about that?
Perez Hilton, and the like, are truly pathetic for their spitefulness and lack of priorities!
His website got overloaded and crashed. And his email inbox filled up with hate mail. Someone wanted to burn his home. Someone else wrote about killing him and his family.
So, while people get bent out of shape because there are those who believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, where is the outcry regarding stories regarding the torture and murder of gays in the Middle East? There was a recent story about gay men in Iraq having their anuses glued shut, then being force-fed a liquid that causes diarrhea, which leads to eventual death. Shouldn't they be blogging about that?
Perez Hilton, and the like, are truly pathetic for their spitefulness and lack of priorities!