No wonder the California mother of octuplets refuses to reveal her identity, and any other information surrounding the multiple births. All that hoopla about 8 miracle babies has suddenly turned into a moral and ethical question of personal responsibility, or lack thereof. Why?
1. It turns out the thirty-something year-old mother is possibly single, living with her parents in a 3 bedroom house. There has been no mention of a father.
2. The grandmother, Angela Victoria Suleman, filed for bankruptcy last year. The grandfather, who is said to be an Iraqi national,(though that's not confirmed) is returning to Iraq as a contractor to help support the horde.
3. And the kicker? She also happens to have 6 other kids! 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2 year-old twins. (The woman has been busy!)
4. She underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF), and it's highly likely the twins were a result of fertility treatments, as well.
The whole ultra-bizarre situation begs for answers, which won't be forthcoming any time soon, as the family is asking for privacy.
1. Where is the father?
2. Why is a young mother of 6 toddlers getting in vitro fertilization?
1. It turns out the thirty-something year-old mother is possibly single, living with her parents in a 3 bedroom house. There has been no mention of a father.
2. The grandmother, Angela Victoria Suleman, filed for bankruptcy last year. The grandfather, who is said to be an Iraqi national,(though that's not confirmed) is returning to Iraq as a contractor to help support the horde.
3. And the kicker? She also happens to have 6 other kids! 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2 year-old twins. (The woman has been busy!)
4. She underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF), and it's highly likely the twins were a result of fertility treatments, as well.
The whole ultra-bizarre situation begs for answers, which won't be forthcoming any time soon, as the family is asking for privacy.
1. Where is the father?
2. Why is a young mother of 6 toddlers getting in vitro fertilization?
3. How could the fertility doctor, in all good conscience, even allow this young woman to undergo treatment in the first place; and why did they implant so many embryos when it's a danger to both mother and babies?
4. Who is going to take care of all those kids, and how are they going to support them? Taxpayers' money? The kindness of strangers? It's going to cost millions just for the bare necessities for the 8, let alone the 6 others. And the birthing and extended hospital stay (for the octuplets) is going to cost well over $1,000,000.00.
5. Are they going to cram all those 14 kids into 1 bedroom? The grandfather claims they have another large house somewhere (that he refuses to disclose), but is that true? And if not how are they going to manage? Aren't there legal issues regarding how many people can live under one roof?
6. How is she going to nurture, love and give enough attention to all 14?
7. What is wrong with this woman's parents?
8. What is wrong with her?
Frankly, I find the whole situation rather obscene.
UPDATE 1/31/09
This story gets more bizarre by the day. According to her mother Angela, Nadya Suleman (we finally have a first name), has been obsessed with having babies since she was a teen, and ALL 14 children were through in vitro! She is definitely not married, and has a degree in child and adolescent development. She is studying for master's degree in counseling. She also apparently had some psychological counseling of her own to deal with her obsession, which obviously did no good.
This young woman has major problems and has been failed by her parents, the psychologist, and the fertility doctors. Someone should have said NO, at some point. I feel sorry for those poor children!
4. Who is going to take care of all those kids, and how are they going to support them? Taxpayers' money? The kindness of strangers? It's going to cost millions just for the bare necessities for the 8, let alone the 6 others. And the birthing and extended hospital stay (for the octuplets) is going to cost well over $1,000,000.00.
5. Are they going to cram all those 14 kids into 1 bedroom? The grandfather claims they have another large house somewhere (that he refuses to disclose), but is that true? And if not how are they going to manage? Aren't there legal issues regarding how many people can live under one roof?
6. How is she going to nurture, love and give enough attention to all 14?
7. What is wrong with this woman's parents?
8. What is wrong with her?
Frankly, I find the whole situation rather obscene.
UPDATE 1/31/09
This story gets more bizarre by the day. According to her mother Angela, Nadya Suleman (we finally have a first name), has been obsessed with having babies since she was a teen, and ALL 14 children were through in vitro! She is definitely not married, and has a degree in child and adolescent development. She is studying for master's degree in counseling. She also apparently had some psychological counseling of her own to deal with her obsession, which obviously did no good.
This young woman has major problems and has been failed by her parents, the psychologist, and the fertility doctors. Someone should have said NO, at some point. I feel sorry for those poor children!