Senin, 03 November 2008

"Twas The Night Before Election"-

Inspired by an email that PatJKnowistall sent me, my Democratic Dad (who is not voting Obama and is an amateur writer/songwriter) came up with the following:

'Twas the night before election, and I was Biden my time,
Wondering out loud if it would turn out a crime.
Then I heard a barry loud noise, like, Oh,- Bam! an' I thought,
Was it just fireworks or a socialist plot.

I grabbed My Cane 'cause I had A corn on my toe,
And fast as I could, hobbled out the front doh.
My face turned Pale 'n I felt like I'd faint.
I wasn't Putin on Ayres 'cause a phoney I aint.

Were the Russians invading across the "Bridge to Nowhere"?
Al-ask-an Inuit if I see one out there.
Wright or wrong I'll address a big crowd,
"Vote for the Elephant", and I'd say it out loud.

But I'm happy to say, it was nothing at all,
Just some Republican voters out having a ball.
'Cause an E-Mail from Santa said "You've nothing to fear,
'Cause the last North Poll shows "It's a Republican year!
Alternate ending. We weren't sure which was better:
'Cause an E-Mail from Santa said "It's a close race but you have nothing to fear.
My North Poll has the Donkey nosed out by an Elephant's ear."

From your lips to God's Ears, Pops!

