Minggu, 02 November 2008

Yes WE can win this!! Marching For McCain!

I've been busy manning phones at our local McCain headquarters, and yesterday joined a march for McCain/Palin, incognito, of course. Accompanied by my camera and several hundred people, I took some pictures of the march as we traipsed along some major streets waving our signs and U.S. flags. What I found very heartening was the extremely positive reception we received from people driving by. Granted we did get the occasional, incredibly rude, Obama supporter, but that was to be expected. For the most part, almost all the cars driving by honked enthusiastically, in support.

Thought I'd share some photos I took of the microcosm of people attending. We had representatives from every ethnic and religious group, people from all walks of life, gays and bikers. This is what America is all about!!

We started off at a sandwich shop across from the McCain/Palin Victory HQ.

Heading to the streets.

Several hundred strong. Not bad for an unpublicized event. Group was estimated to be from 200 to 400 people.

Men, women, children, babies and doggies in strollers.

Women in wheelchairs.

Dads and their baby girls.

Democrats and their baby dogs.

And we even had some special guests.. :-)

And last but not least, look who is supporting McCain...

Yes WE can, win this, go out and vote McCain!!

