I was ambivalent, knowing so little about her, until McCain picked her as Veep and I started my research. And what I see, so far, I like.
The major criticism about Palin, including from fellow conservatives, is that she's as inexperienced as Obama, which isn't quite true if you check out a great side-by-side comparison of Obama and Palin on Redstate.com.
Palin's executive experience: 2 years as Governor and 10 years as a Mayor.
Obama's: zippo
They also seem to forget that she isn't running for President, and McCain isn't dead. Many, like Dick Morris, think it's a brilliant choice. I think the liberals do, as well, considering the dreck they are trying to dredge up. Sour grapes that after the Palin announcement McCain got more bounce and press than Obama did after the Clinton Convention.
I highly recommend checking out the redstate.com link above, if you already haven't.
The fact that Alaskans are pissing and moaning about the fact she will no longer be Governor, is also a testament to her character, abilities and governing style.
GOPUSA says this about her:
I highly recommend checking out the redstate.com link above, if you already haven't.
The fact that Alaskans are pissing and moaning about the fact she will no longer be Governor, is also a testament to her character, abilities and governing style.
GOPUSA says this about her:
Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her
time in office that she is ready to be president. She has brought Republicans and Democrats together within her Administration and has a record of delivering on the change and reform that we need in Washington.
Governor Palin has challenged the influence of the big oil companies while fighting for the development of new energy resources. She leads
a state that matters to every one of us -- Alaska has significant energy
resources and she has been a leader in the fight to make America energy independent.
In Alaska, Governor Palin challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill. She has actually used her veto and cut
budgetary spending. She put a stop to the "bridge to nowhere" that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars.
As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation
and she understands the importance of supporting our troops. Governor Palin has the record of reform and bipartisanship that others can only speak of. Her experience in shaking up the status quo is exactly what is needed in Washington today.
McCain/Palin are the CHANGE this country needs.