Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

All Hail- "Barakus Beatus Obama": Obama's Acceptance Speech

I turned the TV on tonight just after Obama gave his speech and was treated to the tears and fawning adoration from the masses that would rival the best of revival meetings. For someone who is trying to step away from the whole cult of personality, celebrity status he has created for himself, Invesco Field was overkill, but totally in keeping with his narcissistic, self-reverential personality. And the reaction to this adulation by both the Obamas and the Bidens made my stomach turn. This is a man, America, not God!
And it wasn't just the audience in Invesco field full of love and admiration, but the CNN commentators proffering God status on Obama, as well. All of them amazed and in awe at the kumbaya energy Obama seemed to create during this event.

Yes, it's historical. Yes, it's wonderful a Black man was nominated in a country that has been criticized (and continues to be criticized) for its racism, but he is NOT the right Black man. And although his acceptance speech, coincidentally or not, coincided with the 45th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream Speech" (who happened to be a Republican), he is NOT a Martin Luther King.

Maybe he was able to persuade some of the Hillary acolytes, independents and other fence-sitters to jump on the Obamawagon with his promises, but those promises ring hollow when those of us, who can see through his political rhetoric, know Obama is saying anything and everything simply to get elected. He continues to morph into someone he is not, but that he thinks will be more palatable to a greater majority of voters.

He might have fooled some people, but he doesn't fool me.

Hat Tip: Todd Schnitt

