What do Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have in common? Both have seriously dissed Barack Obama, claiming he's NOT "ready" to serve as Commander In Chief (which he isn't!), and both have been highly complimentary of John McCain. Doesn't seem to matter to them, though, that they've backtracked and are now on the Obamawagon. Thankfully, McCain has capitalized on this, and the following ads simply demonstrate how the Dems are far more interested in party unity and their own interests, rather than the higher interests of their country.
I forced myself to watch Hillary's speech at the DNC tonight, and if it wasn't for the few mentions of Obama, and her unconvincing pleas to support him, one would have thought it was she who had won the Democratic nomination. Tonight was the Hillary show (and Michelle O was none too pleased), but it was all flash with no substance, down to her Orange pantsuit- the colour most likley to make her pop against the blue backdrop. Someone did her homework. Her self-aggrandizing speech mentioned nothing about Obama's character (which is sorely lacking) and merely asked her followers to support him because she was. All prep for a 2012 run.
Hillary at one point said, "No Way. No How. No McCain." But that little catchy phrase lends itself more to "No Way. No How. NObama!!" and both Clinton and Biden have said as much.
Hillary at one point said, "No Way. No How. No McCain." But that little catchy phrase lends itself more to "No Way. No How. NObama!!" and both Clinton and Biden have said as much.