When any reader chose to read any book of facts he is well aware about the subject he has chosen to read. The main purpose of the reader is to know the fact from the book as he is not reading a book of fiction. Ironically, most of the Muslims all around the globe read this wonderful book "Quran" quiet frequently, still they couldn't grasp the facts from the book.
When any reader chose to read any book of facts he is well aware about the subject he has chosen to read. The main purpose of the reader is to know the fact from the book as he is not reading a book of fiction. Ironically, most of the Muslims all around the globe read this wonderful book "Quran" quiet frequently, still they couldn't grasp the facts from the book.
If people don't understand the object and subject of the book Quran how can they claim to know the book. Is it sufficient to know the language to understand the subject? Some say that, it’s a book of History of messengers and their people who belong to the region of Middle East.
Some believe, it’s a book of predictions, miracles, science, glorification and some also believe it’s a book of forming the just and fair government. Most learned people interpret ‘a single book’ in different ways only to justify their own preconceived ideas, despite of knowing the language very well.
The objective of the book Quran is to attained wisdom (2:129) (36:2) (43:4). When the objective of the book is not attained we cannot confidently say, it’s a book of wisdom. In such cases either the author’s claim is wrong or the ability of the reader to understand the book is doubtful.
Some believe, it’s a book of predictions, miracles, science, glorification and some also believe it’s a book of forming the just and fair government. Most learned people interpret ‘a single book’ in different ways only to justify their own preconceived ideas, despite of knowing the language very well.
The objective of the book Quran is to attained wisdom (2:129) (36:2) (43:4). When the objective of the book is not attained we cannot confidently say, it’s a book of wisdom. In such cases either the author’s claim is wrong or the ability of the reader to understand the book is doubtful.
Is in depth knowledge of Arabic good enough to understand "Quran"? Suppose I have good knowledge of English; will I understand the subject of Physics explained in English? No, since knowing or having good command over any language does not make us capable of knowing any particular subject. It can only help us in reading but not for understanding. We need to be expert in that particular subject rather than the language to know its true concept.
We never bother to know why Quran says Ar-Rehman would teach you Quran. Why "Quran" emphasis on Ar-Rehman as a teacher of Quran (55:1-4) and not some expert “Arabic” teacher or any “Islamic scholar”? Why importance is given only to Rehman and why not to Allah or Rabb? What is the significance of “Arabic” or the “Quran” and why is it given so much importance in one’s life? We will ignore all these valid questions and continue to ignore it again and again, as some of us believe ignorance is bliss - Peace
We never bother to know why Quran says Ar-Rehman would teach you Quran. Why "Quran" emphasis on Ar-Rehman as a teacher of Quran (55:1-4) and not some expert “Arabic” teacher or any “Islamic scholar”? Why importance is given only to Rehman and why not to Allah or Rabb? What is the significance of “Arabic” or the “Quran” and why is it given so much importance in one’s life? We will ignore all these valid questions and continue to ignore it again and again, as some of us believe ignorance is bliss - Peace