Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012



Chapter 1- KITAB, QURAN & ARABIC .


Verse 12:2 - Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand.                                

43:3 -Verily, We have made it a Qur'an in Arabic that you may be able to understand.

Initially these two verses made me realize that to understand Qur'an it is important to understand Arabic. Which I assumed, was the sacred language of Allah used in the Middle East, and through it He spoke to Messenger of Arabia, many salutations to him.

Being an ardent fan of the Qur'an, I have been always enamored with the message and try to understand the crux of the matter that the respected author of the Quran wants us all to understand.

Believing, “Arabic” to be the sacred language of the Holy Quran, I made a tremendous and sincere effort to learn and understand it. In fact my observation as a non - “Arabic” speaking person was that, how much ever efforts one puts in; one still could not match the linguistic skills of a 5 year old whose mother tongue is “Arabic”. Disheartened at not being able to learn the nitty-gritty of the Arabic language, a thought began to run through my mind that -
 Is Allah unjust?

After my sincere efforts to learn Arabic, I am yet unable to understand its nuances, while the little Arab children know and understand Arabic language without any extra effort. But my love for Allah was greater than my love for the Quran and to prove that my Allah is not unjust I started to explore the Quran much more minutely.

While studying the Quran I came across many verses which contained sentences such as “this is the Quran” (haza al Quran). 
I discovered that the earliest Quran that was found dates back to at least approximately 200 years after the demise of the honorable Messenger, which is presently on display at the Al-Hussein Mosque in Cairo. This monumental Quranic manuscript on parchment showing a well-formed kufic script, written in dark-brown ink with sparse diacritical marks and no ornamentation. Total numbers of folios are 1087. Size: 57 cm x 68 cms. The height of the muṣḥaf is 40 cm and weighs 80 k.gs. The extant folios contain more than 99% of the text of the Qur'an. 

My inquisitiveness further grew as to how the physical form of the Quran would have been at the time of the apostle. If after 200 years the physical form was so huge and heavy, then what would have the form been before 200 years. It has been noted from some sources that leafs, bones, stones, and goat’s skin were also used for writings in those periods.

I began to wonder why the Messenger of Islam uttered these words frequently that “this is the Quran - Hazal Quran (6:19) (12:3) (17:9) (17:41) (17:88) (17:89) (18:54) (25:30) (27:76) (30:58) (34:31) (39:27) (41:26)
(43:31) (59:21) – If we believe that Quran is a book then that means that the messenger used to often carry a big gunny bag weighing probably 100 kgs of written material of 114 chapters while addressing the people of Arabia, that “this is the Quran"- It also signifies that this is why he uttered those words frequently, pointing towards the “gunny bag” that "this is the Al-Quran" (Hazal Quran).

Grammatically when 'this' or haza in arabic is applied or mentioned in any sentence that means the Object "Al-Quran" was present at the time of preaching. 'This'Haza - is the masculine singular demonstrative pronoun. Such a scenario did not make any sense to me. These were the thoughts which began to haunt my mind. Once again I scrutinized the "Quran", I found in verse 43:3 - "Verily, We have made it a Quran in arabic... I realized that Rabb/Allah was the manufacturer of Quran and it’s a part of the mother book which is called Al-Kitab, full of wisdom" - (43:4).

I again wondered that how Rabb / Allah would have thrown down the complete book containing 114 chapters at the messenger and what would have been its form and material. The word Jalna is used for making of the "Quran" or with reference to the existence of the Quran. When I further probed into the detailed meaning of the word جَعَلْنَا (Jalna) in 43:3, I found out that this word is used when no physical material is used while making something. The translators have interpreted Jalna as 'made' which does not represent its true meaning. Like for example, during the making of - day and night or making of the zodiac signs this word is used - as there is no physical material used to make a day or night, it’s just an adjustment made between the Sun and the Earth which creates the phenomena called as "Day and Night" or an arrangement of stars to form a zodiac sign. And again, in the same verse, further to my amazement, when I grammatically analyzed the words arabiyun and quranun, I found that both these words are indefinite articles and they are not proper nouns either.

After being convinced that no material was used in the making of the Quran and since Arabic is also not used as a proper noun, and if Arabic is mentioned as a proper noun it would be written as a definite article and not with a tanween (nunation) which represents an indefinite article, however some traditionalist deny this because of their indoctrinated beliefs. It finally became clear to me that the message was directly downloaded (Nazil)from the Natural System (Al-Kitab) and manifested (Shahr) in the intellect (Qalb) through inspiration (Wahi) to any person who mulls intensely (Ramadan) and is delivered in articulate (Arabic)expression (Quran). So Al-Quran is the specific expression which is settled or lodged in the inside of any person, which could be of either one sentence or more than 10000 sentences. We cannot confine it to just 114 chapters and it can be in any language that could be clearly understood by the masses (14:4). It is an oral expression and not a physical book. Later on this oral expression (Al-Quran) was written down and compiled into a book form (6:7) (25:5) (29:49-51). 

Peace (Islam) is the subject like mathematics, science, psychology, sociology etc. Any language can represent these subjects. The language Arabic has no monopoly over this subject. Peace and love has no language and boundaries.
Muslim means a state of peacefulness and it is not a name of any community but signifies a character of an individual who submits to peace.

For those, who think that Al-Quran means a Book of Allah consisting 114 chapters, then how will they justify the following verses which the "Quran" claims to have all the necessary examples?

17:89-And We have certainly diversified for the people in this Qur'an from every [kind] of example, but most of the people refused [anything] except disbelief.,

18:54-And We have certainly diversified in this Qur'an for the people from every [kind of] example; but man has ever been, most of anything, [prone to] dispute.

30:58- And We have certainly presented to the people in this Qur'an from every [kind of] example. But, [O Muhammad], if you should bring them a sign, the disbelievers will surely say, "You [believers] are but falsifiers."

39:27-And We have certainly presented for the people in this Qur'an from every [kind of] example - that they might remember. –
Traditional translation

Any sane person who is not affected by the religious brainwashing will say that this "Quran" of 114 chapters does not contain all the examples which are necessary for living a peaceful life and even the language in which it is written is not fit for comprehension. Important issues like how to establish work, how to prevent bloodshed or how to coexist, rights of all living beings and remedies for diseases like fever, cold, blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, psychological problems and many other basic problems are not addressed in the book of 114 chapters.
Then how this 114 chapter book claims to contain all the examples, still we disbelieve or dispute and confidently assert that this book has all the models / examples / patterns to live a peaceful life.

My purpose is not to deny the "Quran" of its sacred position but to educate that this 114 chapter book which we assume as "Quran" is not sufficient as a guide to live a normal life. And the book of 114 chapters which is made up of physical material is not the "Quran" which the book Quran is talking about. In fact Quran is talking about that matter of the mind which only the pure can touch (56:77-80) – It’s a clear sentence which means, its message can only be understood by those who are pure in thoughts or whose learning cups are empty.


18:109-Say, "If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like of it as a supplement."  

And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted. Indeed, Allah is exalted in Might and Wise. Traditional translations

This means the words / communication
(Kalimat) of 'Allah' has much more depth than this book of 114 chapters and it is not justified to confine the words of Allah in a book of 114 chapters containing just more than 6200 plus ayaats.

It is a fact, that the entire universe and beyond are manifested words [kalimat] or signs (ayaats) for those who want to use their intelligence as it is embedded in the mind of humans. Only those who think deeply are able to unfold the mysteries of those signs (ayaats) in any form of expression (Al-Quran). If we take Quran as an expression only then the above Ayaats that state that Quran has everything, will make sense. Only then we can accept that everything is contained in the expression (Al-Quran) which is a product of intense thought and a correction of Al-Kitab
- "Quran" is in a correctional book (Ummul Al-Kitab) which is within us, Exalted in Wisdom 43:4. Ummul-Kitab is the corrective book is with Rabb 13:39. A book which corrects is called Ummul-Kitab an attribute of “Quran”.

One more example: If we assume the meaning of Quran as plain reading or reciting, it does not make sense, if we translate it and put reading in place of Quran. It will appear like this “read the reading” in the following verses.

(16:98) - So when you
recite the Qur'an, [first] seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled [from His mercy].,

17:45 - And when you recite the Qur'an, We put between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a concealed partition. 

27:92 - And to
recite the Qur'an, "And whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] himself; and whoever strays - say, "I am only [one] of the warners."

Until now almost all the translators have retained the Arabic word Quran or Al-Quran as Quran only. Nobody made an effort to know its right meaning.

I repeat, the translators have not replaced the word Quran with any other word; hence while translating they translate as “read the Quran.” If they translate 'read the reading' they very well know that it will not make sense and their folly would be exposed. 

Al-Quran is used here because it is a specific expression of the Messenger of Islam. 'Al' is also used for specific group as in Al-Insaan, it does not mean one human being, but the specific quality of human beings. So when the word Quran is used it means common expression and Al-Quran means specific or special expressions. Another reason for choosing the meaning as ‘expression’ for Quran is it fits into all the verses, wherever Quran is mentioned.  And it makes sense to the verses of the book of 114 chapters too.


I will try to keep the thesis as simple and short as possible. People will be astonished to know that the word Arabic also has an opposite. The meaning of Arabic is articulate or easily understood; some readers might think how I determined the meaning of Arabic as articulate (clear or understood easily). I know from the book of 114 chapters, that THE OPPOSITE OF ARABIC IS AJMI and I came to the conclusion by understanding the following verses.

16: 103
-And We certainly know that they say, "It is only a human being who teaches the Prophet." The tongue of the one they refer to is foreign (ajmi), and this Qur'an is [in] a clear articulate (Arabic) language. (Traditional translation)

And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur'an, they would have said, "Why are its verses not explained in detail [in our language]? Is it a foreign [Ajmi] and an Arab [messenger]?" Say, "It is, for those who believe in the guidance and cure." And those who do not believe - in their ears is deafness, and it is upon them blindness. Those are being called from a distant place. (Traditional translation)

According to the above verses the word “Ajmi” means foreign or which is not clear - Then the meaning of Arabic has to be clear or articulate. The speech which is articulate or easily understood is called Arabic. For me Chinese, Russian, Japanese, French, Bengali, Malay, Arabic etc are all Ajmi (foreign) languages because I cannot understand it. I understand Urdu, English, and Hindi, so that means they are Arabic (clear or easily understood) for me. Same way “Arabic language” which I cannot understand is Ajmi (foreign) for me, whereas Urdu, English and Hindi are Arabic for me because it is clearly understood by me. For more detail check Edward William lane lexicon.

This means the language which we understand is Arabic (articulate) for us, while the language which we do not understand is Ajmi (foreign) for us. Urdu, English and Hindi are Arabic (articulate) for me because I can understand it. Whereas languages like Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, Tamil, Malay etc are Ajmi (foreign) for me because I don't understand it. Arabic is not a language, any language which we understand is Arabic (articulate) and any language which we don't understand is Ajmi (foreign) for us. We could also say that for some people the terminologies in the fields of medicine, engineering and computers are alien (Ajmi) to them. Or one could say that it’s Greek and Latin to us, as every category or group has its own Jargon.

With this new discovery when we translate 12:2 -
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand Now it will be like this - “Verily We have sent it an articulate expression so that you may understand”. After amendment this verse makes perfect sense. Same with every verse, when we replace expression for Quran and articulate for Arabic, then the verses will make more sense. Now the translators can claim that they have completely translated the text of 114 chapters. Common and important words like Rabb, Allah, Quran, Arabic, Ramadan etc are being kept as it is by the translators, without making an attempt to translate or deduce them, at the false pretense that they are proper nouns or foreign words and they cannot be translated.


Chapter 44:58 says “certainly, We have made this easy in your speech in order that they may discuss / recollect (Tazkerun).

 54:17- And We have certainly made the Qur'an (expression) easy for discussion, so is there any who will discuss? 

54:32- And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for discussion, so is there any who will discuss? -

 54:40- And indeed, we have made the Qur'an (expression) easy for discussion, then is there any who will discuss? (All are traditional translations)
All the above verses mention almost the same thing that the expression (Al-Quran) is easy to discuss / reflect / remember (Zikr)An honest question arises from the above verses that are the 'Arabic' verses of "Quran, really easy to discuss or understand? Whenever the word Arabic is mentioned, our mind relates it to a language of the Arabs. If our line of thinking is based upon such understanding then, it is impossible to understand the verses wherever the word Arabic occurs in the Quran. Honestly these verses will not make any sense if we assume Arabic as a language of a particular region and the claim that this (Quran) message is for the entire mankind, sadly it falls flat on its face. How an alien ancient language, may be only understood by some handful elites among the Arabs themselves, claims to be the guidance for entire mankind, does this really make any sense to a greater majority? It is obvious that one can understand and discuss only in a language known to us and Arabic means which we can understand. Modern and colloquial Arabic is totally different from the pre-classical Arabic of “Quran” which was originally not even written Arabic script but was written in Garshuni script.

It is a universally accepted fact mentioned in the Quran that, all the messages and its messengers are one amongst us, who speak the same language as we do because it is easy to understand and relate. Do we actually recognize a messenger who spoke our own language as per the following verse which explains? Think it over - Is Allah unjust by not sending us the messenger in our mother tongue?

14:4-And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

Where are our messengers who speak in our own language, as per the above verse? Now the big dilemma for all of us is not to search for the messengers, but to look out for messages in our respective languages and localities taking the help of Zalikal-Kitab (natural system within and around us) where nothing is omitted. We will discuss about the messengers in the topic later.

6:38-And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register / book a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.
 (All Quranic references are from traditional translations)

The same thing cannot be said about the book of 114 chapters, named as Al-Quran. Once again, I assert that - Al-Quran of 114 chapters is just a tiny part of the gigantic message (Al-Kitab) - (43:4) - No one can understand Quran, except those who are clean (Mutahiroon) from the old beliefs - Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an....( 56:76-78). Noble "Quran" (114 chapter book) is just an expression of individual messengers - (69:40-43) (81:19).


We see in the “Quran” that emphasis is given on Arabic Quran. Majority of us believe that it is the language which is being given special importance to understand the book called Quran. But this is not the case, in 13:37 “Hukuman Arabiyan” is used; here arbiyan means the clarity of the message rather than the language. The speech of all messengers is Arabic that does not mean that they all spoke in the language of Middle East but it means that the message was clear and easy to understand – (14:4) – In verse 46:12 also tells us that the book of Musa is the leader (Imam) and it speaks the truth (Musadiq)in Arabic (articulate) speech (Lisan). Again this does not mean that the book of Musa was in Arabic language but it talks about the articulation of the message rather than the name of the language.

It should be clear by now that Arabiyan does not mean the language of Middle East but an attribute of the message delivered by Quran.

Zalikal-Kitab is that book which is all around and surrounds us, from which only the diligent / thoughtful (Mutaqi) can extract lessons from it, no doubt in it is guidance (2:2). This book has chapters from the memories of past and present life of our grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncles, aunts, relatives, neighbors, friends, business associates etc. From this book we can observe the life of animals, birds and the entire universe. In it are lessons / hints / signs / words for us. Al-Kitab has everything, every solution and it is also within us. The correct meaning of Kitab can only be deduced according to the context of the particular verse. But the problem is we are ignoring the larger meaning of Al-Kitab in lieu of a smaller book of 114 chapters, whose language is alien to most of us. And (21:10) refers to the Kitab that is inside us and for us. This Kitab discusses with us, as well as guides us in our own language. 

For me Al-Kitab has never been a book, and I consider it as a recorded message and Ahle-Kitab as people who follow or who are familiar with the book or they are the people who know their own script [Al-Kitab] or what is written in their mind.  This terminology is often used by the "Quran" for the people who know the script or familiar with the message. When we label Kitab as a book we conceive it to be in the form of written material on paper or any other material, but we fail to take note of the signs (Ayaats)around and within us which are far greater and valuable than the man made written materials.  Also we must note and acknowledge the fact that, at that time there didn’t exist any book form. So how could we label Kitab as the present day "Book" ?

There are similar messages in other languages too (14:4) (16:36) which one can refer and apply it in our daily life. And there are messages or lessons (Kitabun) in every period (ajlin) - (13:38). The job of the messengers is to convey the message clearly - balagah mobeen - (5:92) (24:54) (36:16-17). Conveying the message clearly is only possible if the message and the messenger is alive and the language is in one's own mother tongue. That is why "Quran" lays emphasis on Arabic which means articulate (mother tongue - which can be clearly understood) (44:58)

And to understand Al-Kitab you don't need to know any language because its message is clear and obvious - Kitabi mubeen - (28:2) and this chaste script is in an articulate language (46:12) - This means that the message in front and inside us is pure and its language is easily understandable, so we don't have any excuses that no message or messenger was sent to us (6:130) (39:71) (40:50). We just simply have to keep our mind open (fateha) and the Rabb will open the lock in order to guide us.

This concept that Al-Kitab is a conventional book, leads us towards believing in some divine interactions or "wahi", hence limiting our scope to learn and get inspired from the daily messages, which we experience in our day to day life every moment. No need for any “holy book or any holy figure” or holy language to guide us. We already have divine gifts from Rabb in the form of brain to decode any language but we seldom use it. 

The same messages have come in all languages and in every period there is a prescribed message or messenger according to its time (14:4) (13:38) (16:36). So "Quran" (114 chapter) is a complicated book in foreign language for the people who are interested to know about it should keep their mind open to decode it, otherwise Al-Kitab is sufficient for the guidance for those who do not know “Arabic” language.

The book of 114 chapters in Arabic language is labeled as the Quran by almost all the eminent translators. It is the Rabb of Rasul who is the author of the honorable "Quran", which actually is not a book but an oral transmission -لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ of the honorable messenger (69:40-43) (81:19) and it was not a new message (42:52) but is carried forward in Arabic language by "Rasul" of “Al-Quran”. Rabb and Rasul is not just a monopoly of "Islamic personalities" but anyone who ponders intensely on the signs of Al-Kitab or of Rabb will experience the revelation from his own inherent Rasul. Harnessing the natural and invisible forces was not possible for man unless it is helped by the knowledgeable Mind (Rabbul Aalameenand help from Al-Kitab.

The respected author of the "Quran" has narrated the message by depicting the characters in a multi-dialogue format, like in plays or in theatrical dramas. Quran or Furqan or Kitab or Zikr or Hakim or Basirah supposed to be synonyms of "Quran" (2:185) (21:10) (38:1) (36:1) (2:203) embedded in every human, which warns, guides, and distinguishes at every moment or at various stages of life. That's why all the "messengers" follow only what is revealed to them by their Rabb, as Quran is the mental perception / intelligence / insight (Basirah) of your Rabb (7:203-205).
Not only this "Quran", but right from – a small needle to a rocket, is undoubtedly the creation of great minds. The invention of the computers, internet, phones, electricity, automobiles etc are not possible for man without the help of revelation from his Rabb (Consciousness). Think, ponder; is it even possible for man to fly in the sky with about 300 passengers on board? Is it not from our Rabb? But most of men will not believe in this fact. The majority of people won't think beyond their individual deities embedded in their mind, moreover they seek ways of appeasement with the help of rituals or carnal deeds.  


Arabic is not a name of a language as it is generally perceived. The word arabic mentioned in the "Quran" is an infinite article. A name of the language is always written as a definite article. Tanween at the end of the word indicates that it is an indefinite article. Lisanu Arabic Mobin (16:103) means which is an articulate clear speech. The Language that you can understand is known as Arabic and the languages that you do not understand is Ajmi. If an Arab visits India he will be called Ajmi and not Arabi because he is a foreigner here. If you understand Chinese clearly, it is your Lisanu Arabi Mobin. I wouldn't recommend anyone to learn Arabic language as it is unnecessary waste of your time and energy in pursuing to understand this alien language. The message and lessons are all around us and within us, only if you have an open mind and are ready to learn and yearn to seek knowledge. If anyone who is interested in knowing the 114 chapter book called Quran then he should learn the language of the book called Quran although it is no longer a native language of any land.

The Language of the book called Quran is actually Garshuni or Karshuni which is the language of Syria, of the Mesopotamian region; from it Karshuni is derived. Initially it was a spoken language; later on it adopted the Syrian script. Actually Karshuni is a household language assembled together with many other languages. According to my understanding this language belongs to the local Kuraish tribe but it has nothing to do with Quraishin of surah106:1. I feel there must be a link between Kuraishin and Karshuni. This word kuraish (كرش) also indicates knitting or to ‘assemble’. Kuraishin and Quraishin are both Arabic words having different connotation. Anyway, I do not want to go into its detail and drift away from the main topic. For more details you may check for Garshuni in Wikipedia. 


Man cannot live without the Quran. Here Quran does not mean 114 chapter book but the computer of life connected with every man. It is man's book of guidance and criterion filled with wisdom. Only those who think intensely, it is revealed to them, this benefits him and the entire thinking class or agitated minds. Our ascent and descent depends upon its application. Our moment of Judgment or Resurrection depends upon this book which is embedded in every human soul. Whatever we do in life it is compiled in this book but we seldom try to express it because we don't read it. All our actions depend upon what we write in our book; in short we are the author of our book or our journey.

Let’s not confine the meanings of Kitab, Quran, and Arabic or for that matter any other word at the altar of sacred beliefs thus limiting their growth, rather than just letting them to widen their scope. Languages are like trees which evolve into many branches, limiting them in sacred ideologies will shunt their growth. The language or thought which is unable to adjust itself to the needs of evolution will gradually die as has happened with many languages and ideologies of the world.

Classical Arabic of Quran being the language of roots is not in vogue today and is replaced now with Modern Standard Arabic which does not mainly take its form according to roots. Let’s grow and grow upwards, and break free from the shackles of the so called sacred ideologies. The basic aim of any scripture was to impart education but by the lapse of time it has eventually transformed into holy books, thus confining its universal message and appeal.

Pay attention to the Expression (Quran) what your Rabb (consciousness / mind) is emitting to you through the Zalikal Kitaab and feeding it into your own Al-Kitab, sending you signals (Ayaat) to remind you at regular intervals in your own language so that you understand (Arabic) and take heed.


The sacredness and belief or culture attached to any word or language prevents the lexicographers and the public in general from deducing the correct contextual meaning of the concerned word. When any word or language wears a religious garb then philological inquiry becomes a deadly sin as religious sentiments are attached to it, and finally the language becomes liturgical only. This is what has happened with Classical Arabic and many other languages of the world. The unwritten law of consensus rules, the logic or power to reason.  The “religious heads” and the rulers are usually hand in glove because of the common vested interests – that is to rule people.

The failure of researchers and free thinkers to speak out the truth, gradually leads to confirmation and acknowledgement of the message or its interpretation. Finally comprising with the original meaning of the word due to the fear of backlash from the masses is the only easy way out. Common people are not aware about the science of evolution of languages. They perceive that present meanings and 1400 years age old meanings are same. When the simple ordinary language is converted into a holy language, matters become more difficult. Quranic Arabic is the best example of it.

Compromising with the meanings due to the fear of non acceptance and opposition from the ruler and the masses leads to establishment of meaning, thus limiting its expansion. A metamorphosis of the original meaning is sometimes an unintentional process but the casualty is the original word which loses its power and effectiveness to express, thus making it defunct. This corruption of the meanings of words prevails within every language due to various factors.

But when we are translating or interpreting an age-old manuscript we cannot interpret on the basis of the evolved meanings. Thus we have to deduce the best possible original meaning. Quran is written in the classical Arabic and all the words are derivatives of root words. We find a vast difference between classical Arabic vocabularies and modern Arabic vocabularies. Modern Standard Arabic is a recent or present day Arabic whereas classical Arabic is “Quranic” Arabic which is based on root words. Unfortunately the meanings of the “Quranic” Arabic words were canonized in the 10th century A.D, thus limiting its understanding.


Ritually rote reading of the “Quran” for the sake of utopian concept of paradise; rather than seeking understanding, guidance, wisdom to distinguish right from the wrong in my view this is straight insult and mockery of 114 CHAPTER BOOK CALLED QURAN . Wouldn't we view a person as plain mad; who after receiving a prescription from the doctor, merely chants the words written on it and believes himself to being cured or gaining wisdom?

Indeed, in this way the Qur'an has been largely abandoned in terms of practice by its so-called adherents because they are not aware of its application. Quran in other terms means common sense whose use is not common. The power of the Qur'an is only yielded when it is applied or when commonsense is used on daily basis. Ask yourself; if the Qur'an lightens up the 'straight path' as a torch would and who in their right mind, would abandon the use of the torch in the darkness in our lives? Unfortunate are the people who don’t use the light, in spite of the torch being part of their mental faculty.


According to 114 chapter book; Al-Quran is something which deals with guidance (Hidayah), and something which can differentiate (Furqan), and which expresses in our own language (Arabic) - From these clues we understand that the established data in our brain is the book (Al-Quran) which takes the data from that book (Zalikal-Kitab) universal book which is all around and within us and this provides us with signs (Ayats), power to differentiate (Furqan), power to express (Quran) in our own language (Arabic). So the conclusion is that when the established data in our brain comes down (Nazil). It is an expression (Quran) which is the guidance for agitated minds (An-Naas). The available data in us should be rehearsed (Zikr) through connection (Salat) and just and pure deeds (Zakat).

The manifestation (Shahr) of the expression (Quran) only happens in Ramadan (A mental evolutionary stage when our thought process is heated and ready to be served). Everyone does not necessarily go through this evolutionary process. Majority among the mankind are in the first stage of this process, where they are restricted to think, as they have many do's and don’ts - this stage is called - as being in the state of Ihram (Restriction / sacredness) and this stage is called Muharram, where no evolution take place. The second stage of evolution is called Safar where you empty yourself of whatever you know, unlearn. And the final stage is called the Hajj (completion of the mental journey).

Those to whom We have given the Book know this as they know their own sons. Those who have lost their own souls refuse therefore to believe (6:20) – This verse is talking about the inherent book and those who don’t trust it are sense less.

 If we have listening ears, God speaks to us in our Own language, whatever the language is - M.K. Gandhi

