In response to Barack Obama inserting himself into the biography pages of past presidents on the official White House website:
and on Calvin Coolidge's page:
President John F. Kennedy famously suggested the American people: “Ask what you can do for your country.” In 1961, the Peace Corps was created, facilitating service among citizens working toward peace in developing countries. In 2011, President Obama celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps with a Presidential Proclamation.
and on Calvin Coolidge's page:
On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people. President Coolidge later helped create the Federal Radio Commission, which has now evolved to become the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.
(among many others), the Republican National Committee created "Obama In History"- World Changing Events You Didn't Know Obama Played A Part In-
Obama At The Fall Of The Berlin Wall - look closely, on the left-
For more funnies, check out their website.