Rabu, 04 November 2009

URGENT: Christmas Card Request For Dying Boy in Michigan- Noah Biorkman

UPDATE: Little Noah passed away on Monday November 23rd. He received 1 million Christmas cards. Rest in peace, little one.

5 year-old Noah Biorkman is dying of Neuroblastoma cancer. He has been battling it for almost half his young life. He loves Christmas cards and since they don't think he has much longer to live, his mum is celebrating Christmas early, and has requested cards or letters for her little boy.
I checked this on Snopes, and it is for real! It's something one needs to act upon now, before it's too late. Mrs. Biorkman is friends with the a.m. DJ on Michigan radio station WKSR and sent an email with the request.

Christmas Cards Requested
Posted on November 04, 2009

Christmas will come early for a five year old Michigan boy this year. Noah Biorkman is battling cancer and is not expected to live much longer.

Noah’s mother and WKSR morning personality Ed Carter went to school together years ago. They keep in touch by email. She mentioned the early Christmas for her son in an email to Ed today.

Mrs. Biorkman is asking for Christmas cards for her son. If you would like to take time to send a card or letter, send it to:

Noah Biorkman
1141 Fountain View Circle

South Lyon , Michigan, 48178.

Crossposted on Mind, Body and Spirit

