So, I'm checking out Best Buy and smack dab on the front page, right on top of the "Shop Thanksgiving Day at BESTBUY.COM" is Happy Eid al-Adha. Odd, methinks, since nowhere does it say Happy Thanksgiving, just shop Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Eid al-Adha? On a Thanksgiving Day advertising circular? Now, I thought Eid ended the month of Ramadan, but it turns out Muslims celebrate 2 Eid festivals. This one occurs after the completion of Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca). This year it is celebrated from November 27th through November 30th, though the dates fluctuate from year to year.

Interesting how things have changed, of late. Now, I'm pretty open-minded and I have no problem with being inclusive of other religious holidays, as long as it doesn't co-opt the original one, like Tyson Farms attempted to do with Labour Day and Eid al-Fitr, the other Eid holiday.
And since when do companies start honoring the lesser known holidays of the major religions of the world? They don't even honor the well known ones. Anyone seen Happy Diwali (Hindu) on a Best Buy insert? And forget any of the Buddhist holidays.
It just would have been nice to see Happy Thanksgiving somewhere on the insert, considering the sale is a Thanksgiving Day sale, not an Eid al-Adha sale.