Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Joke of the day: Musical Video "One Single Payer System"

Brilliant take-off on the song "One" from "A Chorus Line" making fun of Obamacare's one-single-payer system. The lyrics are from the youtube site. Very clever.

One single payer system that's what we intend to get
One single payer system perhaps not all of it yet
Something that Bill and Hillary could not do
Well just abolish illness with you-know-who

One single payer system everybody gets their share
But well never have to ration care, no way son
Hell, folks he can heal the planet
Disease, well, well simply have to ban it
Cause hes the one

One single payer system like our neighbors the Canucks
One single payer system but ours will be real deluxe
In one fell swoop were solving the health care crunch
Who's says that we don't believe that there's no free lunch

One single payer system lets do it for Uncle Ted
Pretty soon hes dead, its time to get it done
This is change you can believe in
Trust me, you know we aint deceiving
Cause hes the one.

One single payer system might be kinda tough to sell
One single payer system wont leave it up to Michelle
Harry and Nancy you folks can calm your fears
And hell get coverage that will fix those ears

One single payer system covers every healthcare need
No time to read the bill just pass Obama Care
But it sounds a little socialistic
This pig is gonna need some lipstick

Hat Tip? Hot Air via Schnitt Show

