Since we traveled and lived abroad ( when I was a kid) we never really had animals. Considering the quarantine periods, in some countries, were as long as the time we'd be spending there, it never seemed worth the effort. Sure, over the years we had the obligatory hamster, that lasted less than 2 years; took care of a mangy poodle for some friends, for a month or so; inherited a runaway Lhasa Apso from the Chinese Ambassador that we took care of for a few years, and then had to give away to a schoolmate when we moved to another country; but other than that, we lived pretty much animal-free for the majority of my childhood. Never having the chance to truly bond with animals, I never really considered myself an 'animal person' until I was in college and inherited a kitten. I was living with 2 roommates, who were animal-oriented, in a 3 bedroom house on a large piece of land. One of the roomies had a rooster (that eventually croaked) but I don't recall the details regarding how Bergman came to reside with us. Sad to say, Bergman didn't last very long, but that little kitty taught me how to love animals, and brought much joy the short time he was with us. I was devastated after his death and determined never to own another animal, when some college-mates presented me with this scraggly little kitten that eventually became the love of my life. I had her for 13 years, and more dog than cat, she was my pride and joy. I never did replace her, since that would be an impossibility, but I still thoroughly enjoy cats. So here's a wonderful little video for those of you who love cats as much as I do.