It seems that the m.o. for Muslim fundamentalists is- if you can't beat 'em, kill 'em. The latest in their 'you can't have any fun' ideology comes out of Russia. In the predominately Muslim Russian republic of Ingushetia, police claim the owner of a bowling alley was killed by suspected Muslim extremists. And apparently this is not an isolated incident- there have been a recent spate of attacks on others who happen to own entertainment facilities, because having fun is, well, un-Islamic. But, I ask you, where in the Qu'ran does it actually say that bowling is haraam (verboten)? Ya think they had bowling back in those days?
The fun-loving Taliban has banned music on buses in the northwest region of Pakistan, and promised suicide attacks for those that don't comply. They also banned DVD shops, television viewing, and in some areas women have been banned from shopping. I had no idea they had DVDs and TVs back in Mohammed's day? And shopping malls, to boot! Guess he just didn't like competition.
Then you have Indonesia banning the practice of yoga. And the Saudi cleric who issued a fatwa against Mickey Mouse, because mice are steered by satan, according to Islam, and therefore should be killed. You have fatwas for practically everything including music AND singing, in some Muslim circles, because, you know, it always leads to sexual desire. Sure, listening to the opera Don Giovanni will lead 2 people straight to the sack. And the following instruments are a major no-no: the drum, violin, guitar, fiddle, flute, lute, mandolin, harmonium, piano, string, etc. No wonder they run around wanting to kill everyone- remove any beauty and enjoyment from your life and what are you left with? Nothing. HatTip/ Weasel Zippers
Then you have Indonesia banning the practice of yoga. And the Saudi cleric who issued a fatwa against Mickey Mouse, because mice are steered by satan, according to Islam, and therefore should be killed. You have fatwas for practically everything including music AND singing, in some Muslim circles, because, you know, it always leads to sexual desire. Sure, listening to the opera Don Giovanni will lead 2 people straight to the sack. And the following instruments are a major no-no: the drum, violin, guitar, fiddle, flute, lute, mandolin, harmonium, piano, string, etc. No wonder they run around wanting to kill everyone- remove any beauty and enjoyment from your life and what are you left with? Nothing. HatTip/ Weasel Zippers