Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

Polls Shmolls: On Debates and Polls


So, I buckled down and watched the Biden/Palin debate last night. I admit, I was extremely hesitant; I wasn't sure I could bear to watch moderator Gwen Ifill cream Palin, in light of Palin's recent interview debacles, and the left's concerted effort to bring her down. But, as I was listening to a local talk show host's Biden gaffe-a-thon, I decided it might be entertaining, if nothing else.
I was actually pleasantly surprised that Ifill kept it very fair and Palin held her own.
What I always find most interesting is the aftermath of a debate. Both sides, of course, always claim victory (which is not surprising) but what about the polls? The polls are claiming a substantial win for Biden, but frankly it 'aint so. Biden was in no way a standout and Palin was far more appealing.
As for those polls: who are these people being polled? Are they all democratic? I have never once been polled, about anything, other than some local politicians once. And what about the people who conduct the polls? How do we know they aren't biased! And can we trust people to tell the truth when they are being polled, especially during an election where you're being labeled a racist because you refuse to vote for Obama?
I don't trust polls and neither should you!!
William Warren, young cartoonist.

