I have never seen an election polarize a country as much as this one. And frighteningly so. The other side seems to be taking things to the extreme.
I have friends who have been ostracized by Obama-lovers because they don't share the love. I've had friends lose work, for the same reason.
A man in Clearwater Florida, with a McCain/Palin and anti-Obama bumper sticker, had his 2006 Lexus vandalized. KKK was scratched into the paint, and a U.S. flag was burned into the car. And to add insult to injury, they apparently urinated on the car, as well.
A small, middle-aged woman with a McCain/Palin placard, in Manhattan, N.Y., was assaulted by a large man who went ballistic when he saw the signs.
In an Ohio nursing home, Edith Walker, a 73 year-old Democratic poll worker jumped on the back of 75 year-old George Manos and beat him on the head several times. This occurred after he accused her of ballot tampering when the person they were helping wanted to vote for McCain and Walker marked Obama.
York County, MD GOP headquarters were vandalized with "Republican Means Slavery". The idiots obviously don't realize it was the Republicans who ended slavery.
I have friends who have been ostracized by Obama-lovers because they don't share the love. I've had friends lose work, for the same reason.
A man in Clearwater Florida, with a McCain/Palin and anti-Obama bumper sticker, had his 2006 Lexus vandalized. KKK was scratched into the paint, and a U.S. flag was burned into the car. And to add insult to injury, they apparently urinated on the car, as well.
A small, middle-aged woman with a McCain/Palin placard, in Manhattan, N.Y., was assaulted by a large man who went ballistic when he saw the signs.
In an Ohio nursing home, Edith Walker, a 73 year-old Democratic poll worker jumped on the back of 75 year-old George Manos and beat him on the head several times. This occurred after he accused her of ballot tampering when the person they were helping wanted to vote for McCain and Walker marked Obama.
York County, MD GOP headquarters were vandalized with "Republican Means Slavery". The idiots obviously don't realize it was the Republicans who ended slavery.
Also in Maryland, a Democrat who is voting for McCain had his RV spray painted with "Vote For Obama 2008". They also defaced his house, a truck cover, and a 2 x 8 foot sign.
A hotel in Maryland has received threatening calls since it put McCain/Palin signs on it's front lawn. Community leaders are recommending a boycott.
McCain/Palin signs are being stolen and vandalized all over the country. One man replaced his stolen sign with the following:

A hotel in Maryland has received threatening calls since it put McCain/Palin signs on it's front lawn. Community leaders are recommending a boycott.
McCain/Palin signs are being stolen and vandalized all over the country. One man replaced his stolen sign with the following:

Although there are probably Obama signs being stolen as well (more likely in retaliation for all the McCain ones being filched), I have yet to see any violence perpetrated against Obama supporters by McCain supporters. And I can't imagine a McCain supporter rejecting a friend who happens to support Obama.
What happened to our freedom to vote for whom we wish, without being assaulted, threatened or blackballed, ostracized or have our property vandalized?
What has happened to this country?