I've often been interviewed for projects I'm involved with, both on radio and print; it's free publicity and a great marketing tool that most theatres try to avail themselves of, and actors are always happy to oblige. But being interviewed on the "The Hoffy & Nuño Show", today, was a totally new experience, and one I'm not too keen to revisit. I'm not quite sure how to categorize the show, but it's on a predominantly sports-oriented radio station in Houston (1560thegame) that focuses mostly on, you got it, sports. So when I received an email from David Nuño, I was a little stumped as to why they would want me, regardless of David's interest in the closet aspect of my republicanism. Karen (Pondering Penguin) who is familiar with Ken Hoffman, forewarned me that he is a liberal, but she had no clue about David. I wanted to make sure I was prepared before being potentially ambushed, as liberals love to do, so I emailed David asking if he, too, was a liberal, and was assured that Ken was a bit liberal but open, and that he was conservative but very open, and that the show was not a political talk show, but rather a pot pourri of conversation from sports to movies to social issues. I thought, why not. It could prove interesting.
So, today, I juiced up my cell phone and waited for the call. At five minutes to two, someone from the station kindly phoned to inform me that my interview time was pushed back half an hour because the interview with some sports figure was running late. Fine, this was a sports station, after all, no problem.
So, today, I juiced up my cell phone and waited for the call. At five minutes to two, someone from the station kindly phoned to inform me that my interview time was pushed back half an hour because the interview with some sports figure was running late. Fine, this was a sports station, after all, no problem.
They eventually called and we chatted for a while. The interview itself was okay, in spite of the usual skepticism and defensiveness that liberals display when confronted with their exclusiveness and lack of tolerance. Unable to deal with the fact that they are considered, by many, to be some of the most close-minded, belligerent and patronizing folk, they usually turn petty, which is what happened with Hoffy, particularly after I hung up. Although I was not privy to that part of the conversation, Karen was. Apparently it deteriorated into a bash the republican actress fest. Rather than admit that liberals can be downright nasty, and are capable of blackballing those who don't toe the same party line, Ken Hoffman decided to disparage the fact that I am what is considered a regional actress, and not a famous star. In his opinion regional actors are not much better than high school performers, which just proves how elitist liberals can be. Only Hollywood stars are taken seriously. I have a degree in theatre, have performed on stages throughout the country, am a member of all 3 actor's unions and have won awards. I have done commercials and a little TV and film. I might no have my name in lights, but I am a working, professional actress, and I'm proud of it.
I know David's heart was in the right place, and he was truly interested in my situation, but Hoffman's attitude and demeanour is exactly why I keep my politics to myself. He proved my point without meaning to: that liberals have zippo tolerance for anyone who does not share their beliefs, and at their core they are snobbish and mean-spirited.
I know David's heart was in the right place, and he was truly interested in my situation, but Hoffman's attitude and demeanour is exactly why I keep my politics to myself. He proved my point without meaning to: that liberals have zippo tolerance for anyone who does not share their beliefs, and at their core they are snobbish and mean-spirited.