Mankind never pursued or longed for any scientific discoveries or invention. Man tried to establish many systems where peace can be attained but he failed miserably. In fact man was not even aware of that peace can be attained by acquiring such measures. Imagining or seeking peace by acquiring material or establishing societies is a Utopian concept. Since necessity is the mother of all inventions; gradually mankind discovered, invented and established many things to make his life more comfortable but peace was still elusive.
Peace is as old as the existence of mankind on earth; attaining peace is an individual’s continuous journey which does not require accumulation or up gradation of materials. Peace is not a commodity which can be achieved by scientific discovery nevertheless it is the most important requirement for orderly behavior or manner. The paradox is that we all have peace within ourselves but we are looking outside for its establishment. It is a state of mind and soul which can be maintained by following certain formulas that is within the reach of every human being.